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What is white corundum used for?

white corundum

White corundum is a kind of artificial abrasive. The main component is alumina trioxide content of more than 99%, and contains a small amount of iron oxide, silicon oxide and other components.
White corundum is made of industrial alumina powder, which is smelted in electric arc at over 2000 degrees and then cooled, crushed and shaped, magnetically selected to remove iron, and sieved into various particle sizes.So what is white corundum used for?

  1. It can be used as wet or dry sand or blasting sand, fixed abrasives and coated abrasives.
  2. It is also important for ultra-fine grinding and polishing in crystal and electronic industries and for manufacturing advanced refractory materials.
  3. It can be used as contact medium, insulator and precision casting sand, etc.
  4. It is also suitable for processing hardened steel, alloy steel, high speed steel, high carbon steel and other materials with high hardness and tensile strength.
  5. It is suitable for manufacturing ceramics, resin cemented abrasives as well as grinding, polishing, sandblasting, precision casting (special corundum for fine casting), etc. It can also be used for manufacturing advanced refractory materials.

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