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Raw Material Operation Of Brown Fused Alumina, White Fused Alumina And Silicon Carbide In China In 2023

Raw Material Operation Of Brown Fused Alumina, White Fused Alumina And Silicon Carbide In China In 2023

According to the statistics of Abrasives Branch of China Machine Tool Industry Association: in 2023, China’s brown fused alumina production is about 740,000 tons, white fused alumina production is about 550,000 tons, black silicon carbide production is about 1,028,000 tons, and green silicon carbide production is about 90,000 tons.

Brown fused alumina

In 2023, according to incomplete statistics, brown fused alumina production of about 740,000 tons, down 5.2%, of which 320,000 tons in Henan, 120,000 tons in Guizhou, 150,000 tons in Shanxi, 130,000 tons in Chongqing, Guangxi 20,000 tons. The average price, brown fused alumina block 590 ~ 620 dollars / ton, section sand 670 ~ 700 dollars / ton, grain size sand coarse 725 ~ 750 dollars / ton.

White fused alumina

The output in 2023 is about 550,000 tons, down 11% year-on-year, including 340,000 tons in Henan and 210,000 tons in Shandong. In terms of average price, white fused alumina block is $83~87/ton, segmented sand is $655~685/ton, and granular sand is $720~755/ton.

Black silicon carbide

The output in 2023 is about 1.028 million tons, with a year-on-year growth of 3.8%. Among them, 510,000 tons in Gansu area, 330,000 tons in Ningxia area, 100,000 tons in Inner Mongolia, and 88,000 tons in Hubei and Qinghai. As for the average price, the first-grade block is $1100~1120/ton, the second-grade block is $915~945/ton, the segmented sand is $1155~1200/ton, the granular sand is $1325~1355/ton for coarse grade and $1360~1390/ton for fine grade.

Green silicon carbide

The output in 2023 is about 90,000 tons, an increase of 50% year-on-year, of which 70,000 tons in Xinjiang and 20,000 tons in Sichuan. Average price, the original block 1690 ~ 1835 dollars / ton, grain size sand 2255 ~ 2400 dollars / ton, micro powder 3100 ~ 3385 dollars / ton.

Henan Superior Abrasives

Henan Superior Abrasives (HSA) is a company based in Henan, China, specializing in the production and supply of Silicon Carbide (SiC) raw materials. We offer a wide range of SiC products including black silicon carbide, green silicon carbide, white fused alumina (WFA) and Brown fused alumina (ABR), which can be used in various industries such as abrasives, refractories, ceramics, and electronics.

If you also need high-quality abrasives, please feel free to contact us!

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