> 博客 > 了解反应结合碳化硅



反应结合碳化硅 (RB碳化硅), 也称为硅化碳化硅或 SiSiC, is a type of silicon carbide that is manufactured by a chemical reaction between porous carbon or graphite with molten silicon. The reaction is typically initiated at temperatures of around 1400°C.

RB SiC is a refractory grade silicon carbide, characterized by a high melting point and the ability to withstand high temperatures without significant deformation or degradation.

The Manufacturing Process of Reaction Bonded Silicon Carbide

的制造过程 RB碳化硅 involves several key steps. 第一的, a porous carbon or graphite preform is made. This preform is then infiltrated with molten silicon, which reacts with the carbon to form silicon carbide. The resulting material is a composite of silicon carbide and free silicon, which gives it its unique properties.


  • RB碳化硅 has excellent wear, 腐蚀, and thermal shock resistance.
  • It can withstand temperatures up to 1370°C and has a high thermal conductivity, making it an excellent material for high-temperature applications.
  • RB碳化硅 has a low density, 高强度, and high hardness, making it suitable for a wide range of applications.
财产 价值
密度 3.05-3.15 克/立方厘米
弹性模量 380-430 GPa
Bending Strength 350-500 兆帕
Fracture Toughness 4.0-5.0 MPa·m^1/2 at Room Temperature
12 MPa·m^1/2 at 1200 摄氏度

As the Si content increases, the strength and fracture toughness decrease linearly; when the Si content is constant, the strength increases as the SiC grain size decreases. The plasticity of free silicon increases at high temperature, so that the fracture toughness of the material increases with temperature, 从 4 MPa·m^1/2 at room temperature to 12 MPa·m^1/2 at 1200 摄氏度.


Mechanical Seals and Bearings

One of the primary applications of RB SiC is in the production of mechanical seals and bearings. These components are used in a variety of industries, 包括汽车, 航天, and industrial sectors. RB SiC’s high hardness and wear resistance make it an ideal material for these applications, as it can withstand the harsh conditions and high pressures that these components are often subjected to.

Pump Vanes

RB SiC is also commonly used in the manufacture of pump vanes. These components are critical in a variety of industries, including the oil and gas, 化学品, and water treatment sectors. RB SiC ‘s excellent corrosion resistance and high strength make it an ideal material for these applications, as it can withstand the corrosive fluids often encountered in these industries.

Radiant Tubes

In the heat treatment industry, RB SiC is often used in the production of radiant tubes. These tubes are used in furnaces to provide uniform heating. RB SiC ‘s high thermal conductivity and excellent thermal shock resistance make it an ideal material for these applications, as it can withstand the high temperatures and rapid temperature changes often encountered in these environments.

Semiconductor Manufacturing Equipment

The semiconductor industry also makes use of RB SiC in the production of various pieces of manufacturing equipment. This includes wafer carriers, susceptors, and other components. RB SiC ‘s excellent thermal stability and resistance to thermal shock make it an ideal material for these applications, as it can withstand the high temperatures and harsh conditions often encountered in semiconductor manufacturing processes.

Armor and Protective Components

最后, RB SiC is also used in the production of various types of armor and protective components. This includes body armor, vehicle armor, and other protective equipment. RB SiC ‘s high hardness and strength make it an ideal material for these applications, as it can provide excellent protection against various types of threats.

Advantages of Using Reaction Bonded Silicon Carbide

There are several advantages to using RB碳化硅 . 第一的, it offers excellent wear and corrosion resistance, 使其非常适合在恶劣环境下使用. 第二, it has a high thermal shock resistance, allowing it to withstand rapid temperature changes. 第三, it has a high thermal conductivity, which makes it an excellent material for dissipating heat. 最后, RB碳化硅 has a low density, which makes it lightweight and easy to handle.

The Future of Reaction Bonded Silicon Carbide

的未来 RB碳化硅 looks promising. 随着不断的研究和开发, the potential applications for this material are expanding. 例如, RB碳化硅 is being explored for use in high-temperature gas turbines and nuclear reactors. 此外, as the demand for more efficient and durable materials increases, the use of RB碳化硅 is expected to grow.


Reaction Bonded Silicon Carbide is a versatile material with a wide range of applications. Its unique properties such as high strength, temperature stability, 抗热震性, and wear and corrosion resistance make it an ideal choice for various industries. Whether it’s kiln furniture, mechanical seals, or semiconductor manufacturing equipment, RB SiC is the material of choice for high-performance applications.



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