> 博客 > 绿碳化硅微粉有什么用?



绿碳化硅微粉 is a product made of green silicon carbide raw block by Barmac grinder, Raymond mill or ball mill crushing ultra-fine powder, then by ultrasonic and sieving to get the mesh we use.

Green Silicon Carbide Powder Characteristics

Green silicon carbide micro powder has green color, 晶体结构, 高硬度, 切削能力强, stable chemical properties and good thermal conductivity. Microscopic shape is hexagonal crystal, silicon carbide Mohs hardness is 9.2, Vickers microhardness is 3000-3300 kg/mm2, Nuptial hardness is 2670-2815 kg/mm2, microhardness is 3300 kg/cm3. Higher than corundum, the abrasive is second only to diamond, 立方氮化硼和碳化硼. The density is generally considered to be 3.20 克/毫米. 碳化硅磨料的自然堆积密度介于 1.2-1.6 克/毫米, 比重为 3.20-3.25. Green silicon carbide is made from petroleum coke and silica as the main raw materials, with salt added as an additive, and melted at high temperature in a resistance furnace. 硬度介于刚玉和金刚石之间, 其机械强度高于刚玉.

Green Silicon Carbide Powder Usage

1. 绿碳化硅 micro powder can be used for solidifying and coating abrasives, 免打磨抛光, ETC. Green silicon carbide powder is suitable for making grinding wheels, 油石, 砂纸, 砂布, construction grinding heads, ETC.

2. Abrasives made of green silicon carbide are suitable for processing materials of high hardness and brittleness. Their hardness is between corundum and diamond, and their mechanical strength is higher than corundum. They are suitable for machining and grinding cylinder liners, 阀门, 喷嘴, 油泵, 轴承, 铸铁, 硬质合金, titanium alloy and grinding HSS tools.

Green silicon carbide micronized refractory materia

3. Green silicon carbide can also cut, grind and polish brittle non-metallic materials such as optical glass, 陶瓷, 水晶, 电子产品, 水晶, 硅, 锗, 石头, 玛瑙和珠宝玉石, 装饰材料, 加热元件和热元件.

4. 绿碳化硅粉用于制造 耐火材料.

5. 适用于各种户外建筑物件的外墙涂装, 各种有色金属物体的涂装, 各种废气处理, ETC. 并充分利用减摩 (可以抵抗各种强烈的摩擦), 耐腐蚀性能 (能抵抗强酸强碱等各种强烈的化学腐蚀), 耐高温 (可耐高温以上 2000 摄氏度不溶解), 抗热震性强 (可以抵抗各种高强度热).

6. 适用于高熔点合金铸壳的一层内衬材料.

7. 适用于制造耐高温密封件, 炉体结构件, 高温喷嘴和过滤器, 汽车, 航空气瓶, 阀门, blades, combustion chambers, 喷嘴, 化学品, textile, 纸, geological minerals, wear-resistant and corrosion-resistant structural parts, high-temperature resistant structural parts, electronic substrates, military structures and other high-tech ceramic parts.

Green Silicon Carbide Powder Supplier

河南优之源进口 & 出口公司, 有限公司. (高铁), 建立在 2001, 是中国领先的碳化硅及相关产品供应商. Our markets cover USA, 加拿大, 中东, 俄罗斯, 西班牙, 南非, 东南亚, ETC. If you have demand for silicon carbide, welcome to contact us to get the latest offer of silicon carbide.



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