> 博客 > 黑碳化硅性能优势



黑碳化硅由石英砂制成, petroleum coke and silica as the main raw material, through the resistance furnace high temperature smelting. 硬度介于刚玉和金刚石之间, 机械强度高于刚玉, 又脆又锋利.
What are the properties of black silicon carbide provided by black silicon carbide manufacturers? Let’s learn more about it with Henan Superior Abrasive.


黑碳化硅, with metallic luster, contains more than 95% 碳化硅, with greater strength than green silicon carbide, but lower hardness, mainly used for grinding cast iron and non-metallic materials.

Molecular formula is SiC, its hardness is between corundum and diamond, 机械强度高于刚玉, can be used as abrasives and certain other industrial materials. Industrial silicon carbide was successfully developed in 1891 and is an early man-made abrasive. Although a small amount of silicon carbide exists in meteorites and the earth’s crust, no mining source has been found to date.

黑碳化硅含有约 98.5% 碳化硅, its toughness is higher than that of green silicon carbide, and is mostly used for processing materials with low tensile strength, 如玻璃, 陶瓷, 石头, 耐火材料, 铸铁和有色金属.

Silicon carbide advantages


Due to its stable chemical properties, 高导热性, 热膨胀系数低,耐磨性好, 碳化硅 is used as an abrasive, but also has many other uses, 例如: 水轮机叶轮或缸体内壁涂碳化硅粉末的特殊工艺, which can improve its wear resistance and extend the service life of 1 到 2 次; 用于制造耐火材料, 热休克, 小尺寸, 重量轻、强度高, 节能效果好. 低品位碳化硅 (包含关于 85% 碳化硅) is a better deoxidizer, 可以加快炼钢速度, 并便于控制化学成分, 提高钢材质量. 此外, silicon carbide is also used in large quantities to make electric heating elements silicon carbon rods.

Silicon carbide is very hard, has excellent thermal conductivity, is a semiconductor, and can resist oxidation at high temperatures.

Black silicon carbide manufacturers

HSA is a leading manufacturer of silicon carbide in China, we have more than 20 years experience in producing silicon carbide, 微硅粉, our products have been exported to more than 100 countries such as USA, 加拿大, 西班牙, 南非, ETC. We have maintained close contact and strategic cooperation with many famous multinational companies.
If you have any demand for silicon carbide or Silica Fume, 欢迎联系我们.



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